Sunday, May 8, 2011

Herbal Skin Care

By Owen Jones

Skin care is not a modern concept, it has been about for thousands of years. The big difference is that we have moved from traditional herbal skin care to synthetic or chemical based products over the last one hundred years.

Why we abandoned traditional herbal skin care is not completely clear, in fact there may be several reasons. A hundred years ago, people were mesmerized by the sciences. They were seen as new, a break-through, the saviour of mankind's health, an emergence from darkness and old-fashioned ways, despite the fact that a lack of regulation led to thousands of sham claims for wonder drugs, lotions and potions.

Another reason could be that millions of people moved from the countryside, where they could collect herbs and spices while they were out labouring in the fields, to the city, where they had to work eight to ten hours a day in a factory and no longer had the chance to make their own herbal skin care products.

These days there is a move back to herbal skin care products. Some people make their own herbal skin care products and others delude themselves by buying chemical skin care products with wording such as 'with added lemon' in a half-hearted endeavor to 'go herbal'.

Commercial herbal products have to have a long self life because they are usually made hundreds of miles away from where they are sold. In order to achieve this, they have to contain preservatives and this lowers the effectiveness of the preparation. The unfortunate fact is that, despite a growing public interest in herbal skin care, people are reluctant to make their own, so they continue to buy commercial, chemical, skin care goods.

So, if you would like to learn more about making your own herbal skin care products, where do you start?

Aloe Vera - is a succulent, a hot climate plant that grows widely around the world. It can be used by snapping a leaf and rubbing the juice straight onto cuts, bruises, burns and dry skin. In Thailand, where aloe vera grows wild everywhere, people also use it for bites and stings and practically any skin trouble.

Banana and Avocado - are well-known for their skin care properties. They are good for moisturizing dry skin.

Dandelion, chamomile, rosemary and lime flowers can be used as skin cleansers. Make an infusion with boiling water and rub on with a flannel.

Lavender, marigold, thyme and fennel are powerful antiseptics. Again soak in boiling water and apply with cotton wool.

Lavender water and rose water are superb skin toners.

Herbal skin care products can be made very easily at home, but people are sceptical because we have been trained, brainwashed, to buy commercial products by hundreds of billions of dollars of advertising over the last one hundred years - that is four generations. That sort of pressure will be hard to shift, but you can make your own herbal skin care products and you should try at least one.

So, choose a variety of herbal skin care that you would like to test and switch to making your own from a recipe that you can find on the Internet. If that works, and why should it not, then you can try another herbal skin care product.

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