Saturday, June 18, 2011

Natural And Safe Sciatica Cures

By Amos Poynor

Sciatica is a painful back ailment. Symptoms include a sharp, shooting pain that begins in the lower spinal area and extends to the back of the leg. This can be caused by one of four conditions ? namely Piriformis Syndrome, spinal stenosis, isthmic spondylolisthesis or herniated disks. There's more to Sciatica than the symptoms it brings. But rather it is caused by the four things we previously discussed. It is confirmed that Sciatica treatment works only if the main cause of the problem is identified and treated. Although it is easy to relieve symptoms by taking pain medication, the cause of the discomfort is not being addressed. Accordingly, one of the first things to do is to understand sciatic pain and how it?s caused.

The first known cause for Sciatica is the Piriformis Syndrome. This is a condition where in the muscles located at the pelvic areas are pulled out of place. There are many reasons why this occurs. It could be through a sport activity, poor body posture or an accident. Then, the pulled muscle causes a imbalance of the location of a person's hip joints. This in turn places the piriformis muscle to exert undue pressure on the sciatic nerve located at the lower back which creates the sensation of pain.

In such situations, sciatica remedies may include consultations with physical therapists who can help you to restore the positioning of your joints and muscles. The pain will be returning until the piriformis muscle is fixed.

Herniated disks are another way someone might end up with Sciatica. A herniated disk occurs when a disk between the vertebrae sticks out and places pressure on the sciatic nerve. Accidents that may have injured the back or years of constant pressure on the back muscles can be the cause. The peculiar thing about herniated disks is that some of those who suffer from it have the tendency to feel nothing at all, hence rendering them unaware that they suffer the condition.

It usually needs a doctor to solve situations such as this. The protruding disk needs to be restored to its proper alignment to be completely rid of sciatic pain.

The third probable cause of sciatic pain is a condition known as Spinal Stenosis. This means that the space in the spinal canal has become narrow. This places the hip and spine at an awkward position which in turn places pressure on the sciatic nerve. The constant pressure and contact due to the awkward positioning is what leads to the sensation of pain.

One of the main things that result in Sciatica is assumed to be a ailment called Isthmic Spondylolistheis. It is reflected by the symptoms of some segment or bone of the spinal cord moving away from its right and normal place which results into pain or a cause of discomfort to the herniated disk of the lumbar region of the spine.

There are traditional sciatica treatments that can be applied at home like sipping a juice mixture of celery, potato and carrot juice to ease the discomfort. You can also use supplements that contain vitamin B complex, ginger or vitamin B1, all of which can help soothe the muscles. These methods have been effective for some people. Still, anyone who wants their Sciatica to go away permanently really should check in with their doctor.

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