Friday, October 28, 2011

UTI Home Remedy

By Brenton Miville

Getting rid of a painful UTI could be expensive and time consuming. Though most people usually get consultation from their doctor for curing urinary tract infections, there are basic UTI home remedies that'll allow one to effectively treat the infection naturally, relieving them from the pain which UTI results in.

Taking in Vitamin C is one of the best ways to actually counter the ill effects of UTI. Vitamin C will work to providing an acidic environment in one's urinary tract, which will actually work against the bacteria that thrives to make for UTI. As one of the natural UTI home remedies, one can actually get a good dose of Vitamin C from citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons. Vitamin C also makes for clearing of the skin and raising the body's immune system, making for a great double purpose natural remedy.

A wonderful natural UTI home remedy is a healthy diet. You should watch your food intake to make sure you aren't consuming anything that could contribute to the worsening of UTI. Processed food should be avoided, and the likes of cheese and other dairy products will only cause worsening of the bacteria in the urinary Tract.

Spicy food will work badly for UTI, and beverages that are carbonated as well as ones that are full or sugar. If you are already suffering from a bladder infection, than lots of sugar will only make it worse, so stay away from those candy bars. One should also avoid salty food as it contributes to the development of bacteria in organs such as the kidney and the bladder. To keep the body hydrated, and to excrete bacteria from the Urinary Tract, one should consume water regularly.

One of the best home remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is to drink berry juice. One type would be cranberry juice, which proves to be a healthy source of fiber, but will also contain elements that will work against the UTI bacteria. The bacteria are destroyed on account of the intense acidity, similar to what vitamin C would have done. Cranberry juice also allows for a rich supply of antioxidants which will work to restore balance not just in the urinary tract but for the whole body by ridding such harmful elements that cause aging.

It makes for a great way to actually treat UTI naturally, which can help one save on costs that are often associated with the medication prescribed to kill the bacteria that causes such. There are UTI home remedies which work, as well as diet modification.

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