Sunday, November 13, 2011

Medical Tourism SEO and the Impact of Social Media Marketing

By Rodgers Bestgenh

As chief cook and bottle washer at Health Check Costa Rica it's my job to build relations with suppliers of all ranges of Medical Tourism services including medical, dental, travel, tour, accommodations, real estate agencies, airlines, advocate societies, and of course standards and practice bodies.

This all happens before I can even consider the all crucial step of promoting my company on the internet. Fortuitously for Health Check and many of my other clients my first love is the research and experimentation that goes into great SEO systems. In a continually changing landscape it is kind of exciting to observe new methods succeed for myself and my clients, there is not any fooling Google; the single thing one can do is outwork them actually. SEO is a workaday task and requires a large amount of time and drudge work to actually pay off. This is not to claim however that it does not pay to work smart. When I began in SEO related business 15 years back it was fairly easy to rank high up for certain keywords simply by throwing them in to your keyword meta tag inside you HTML code. Nowadays Google uses a combination (quite secret really) of methods to make certain their customers who are using their search engine get the absolute best results that are possible to produce.

Make no mistake Google's primary client focus is not on those advertisers that pour money into advertising into Google. No their customer is the person entering a search question and it's Google's goal to give them the very best search result possible based on their ever changing and quite ephemeral process. This tactic has served them well and becomes quite apparent when one tries to use other search websites and the results sometimes hint at what would have happened if Google had just let the highest bidder rank the highest in each case. The results are largely crap and a ways from relevant. So as a basic hint as regards what Google is looking for and thus we as search website marketing experts should struggle for is to supply the best darn high quality content possible in our given field. This applies not only to the content on our web sites but also to whatever articles or syndication methods we use. I the Google age a backlink to your website is essentially a vote of confidence, but this is not a democratic or egalitarian style system. Google counts some votes higher than others. Sites that have gained authority in time are given more weight than others. Look at it like a job advice.

If you find a job recommendation from your neighbour that is great, but if you get one from the president of AT&T then your actually going to open some eyes. How will we define the back link authority of a fixed site as it is applicable to our own? There are many factors. Firstly is the site that's linking back related to the brand of our web site? If Yes than inside this group one investigates the statistical data available like Google Page Rank, Domain Age, Back links to the authority site and several others.

Once more quality is king here. The better the quality as measured by Google of a certain site the more weight their back link will carry. So thanks for sitting through S.E.O 101 from aMedical TourismStand point. We at Health Check Costa Rica are especially adept at helping Medical Travel corporations with their SEO needs. It is our favorite niche as it were and we have made some great steps at gaining attention in this area. One of the things you need to recognise is if you are reading this article then we almost certainly can do this for you as well. Just type Health Check Costa Rica into Google we take up about the first 5 pages anyhow so I'm assured you will find us.

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