Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simple Ways To Help Ease The Stresses Of Cancer

By Robert Strong

"You have cancer" are the three words that no person wants to hear. It immediately brings to mind images of painful treatments, surgery and death. However, a lot of cancers are now very treatable. There is a lot that you can do to continue to get a good quality of life. These pointers should be of some assistance.

Attend doctor's appointments with your friend or family member who has been diagnosed with cancer. These appointments often involve long waits and can be a stressful experience. Write down important information that the doctor provides about their treatment and prognosis; your friend may have difficulty remembering what was said later on.

If you have a friend or loved one suffering from cancer, there are many ways to show your love and support. One way is to accompany the person to doctor appointments and chemotherapy or radiation treatments. Cancer can be a lonely disease, and having a supportive partner can do wonders to lift the spirits of the one fighting it.

Be screened for different types of cancer, including skin, colon, prostate, cervical and breast cancer. The earlier you find out that you have cancer, the better your chances will be of fighting the disease. Talk with your doctor to find out which screenings you should have and when you should do them.

People with cancer need complete honesty from you, so do not hide anything from them just because you feel it may hurt them or hurt your relationship with them. Whether it's something the doctor said or a secret you've been sitting on for another reason now is the time for full disclosure.

Try to stay away from too much radiation exposure if you want to prevent yourself from getting cancer. Radiation can change normally healthy cells into dangerous ones that can cause cancer. However, it is also important to remember that having an X-Ray every now and then will not cause cancer.

If you feel concerned, always seek the guidance of a physician. If you are too proud or scared to visit the doctor, you could be ignoring issues that exist and could get worse. If there is cancer present, it could spread and cause greater harm, which could be avoided if you seek the guidance of a health care professional you trust.

It is important that females get a pap smear done at least once every two years. If you have a history of gynecological problems, you may want to have one every year. Pap smears detect cervical cancer and changes in their cervical cells, which if caught early, is very treatable.

Consider adding selenium to your diet to help fight cancer. Selenium has proven beneficial in many laboratory tests. The positive effects can especially be seen when it comes to fighting prostate cancer. Consult your doctor before adding this supplement though, as it is counter productive if the dosage is too high.

Hopefully some of these hints can be helpful to you. By following a healthier lifestyle and not exposing yourself to obvious harmful factors such as smoking, your risk of being diagnosed with cancer can be greatly lessened. If you have been diagnosed, be sure to find a skilled, progressive and empathetic physician. Never give up trying to better your quality of life.

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