Monday, March 7, 2011

Hormones That Play A Role In Attraction

By Golda Holmes

There are very many hormones tin the human body that communicate different things within the body but pheromones actually communicate with other members of the same species. The main function of the pheromones would be but not only limited to letting members of the other sex know the senders sexual interests in them.

Telling the members of the opposite sex their current sexul status is not the only use of these pheromones. They can be used for example to communicate to another member of the species that it is time to get their guard up for there is a fight coming their way for example for wandering into the wrong territorry.

Sometimes these pheromones can be used as a very effective method of self preservation for example when under attack. There are a species of plants that once under attack from herbivores would warn the other plants in the area to release tannins into their leaves to make them unpalatable for the herbivores.

For a very long time scientists believed that these pheromones were something that only the animal kingdom were blessed with until recently when their eyes were opened to the amazing fact that in humans they may be also used to attract members of the opposite sex.

Scientists realised that when it comes to being attracted to members of the opposite sex, one of the most important senses that kick in are our oflactory senses. Coupled with all the other good feelings that pheromones were observed to produce people saw the potential that they would have in our colognes and special perfumes.

After manufacture these scents are being given outstanding media marketing that has thousands of testimonials from people who can witness to their wonders in attracting members of the opposite sex. The main flaw with all this marketing is that for those who know that the media has a way of stretching the truth, a lot of people are left wondering whether it is true that these scents do what they are advertised to do.

The truth of the matter is however that yes it is true that pheromones play a more than big role in the sexual attraction among humans even amazingly of the same sex. This is why a lot of people always wonder why women who are close friends always end up having the same mestruation calenders, its all in the scents given off by their skin.

It is just the same concept behind these new perfumes and colognes being loaded with pheromones that help attract and even arouse members of the opposite sex.

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