Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Slow Your Heart Beat For Better Health

By Gweneth Johnson

Reports have it that slowing the heart beat rate can lead to a longer life of a person .Exercise and medication have equally been sited as means to slowing the heart beat and slow breathing. Another means to slow heart beat and breath is by hypnotization.

This method can be used to slow down the beating rate during the day aimed at storing the energy for efficient working of the body. The best way is to keep off all stimulants that are known for heart beat increase as you employ other avenues and techniques.

Slowly breathing in and taking the air out in slow motion will does a great job in slowing down your heart beat which. This process has been known to be healthy. Doing this ten times is advisable. You may choose to do so with your eyes closed. Avoid caging your thoughts in particular focus.

Let your thoughts have nothing in particular to think about as you do this exercise. As you breathe in and out, ensure that your thoughts just flow as they come and go. Don't trap them at all or give them any slightest attention as you do the breathing exercise. This is something any person can do on their own accord.

The ten "breath" exercise should make you notice great improvements in your heart beat rate as well as the state of your mind. You start feeling more relaxed than before. This being the case, you will be sure that you are on the right path as far as your health is concerned.

Take just a moment daily and do this breathing exercise and within a short period of time you will be used to the process-it will become your way of life.

As indicated earlier, ensure that you are not addicted to stimulants such as coffee, tea or even too much sugar and cigarettes. Such stimulants will just overwork your heart and makes you restless.

The body is in a position to inform you when a breathing break is to be taken. If you obey it, you will enjoy new strength and relaxation in your life.

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