Monday, August 1, 2011

Costa Rica Medical Care a Great Choice For Americans and Canadians

By Rodgers Bestgen

Medical Tourism in Costa Rica is just a few hours away by plane and is awfully convenient with many straight-through flights from a wide assortment of carriers in both the US and Canada. There are 2 major global airfields that are useful for anybody arranging a medical or dental excursion. While the Daniel Obuder world airfield in Guanacaste is a perfect stepping off point for affordable dental surgery which can on occasion be simply bolstered with a vacation twist whether it's surfing, eco tourist activities or just plain relaxing in one of the acknowledged most beautiful places in the world.

The true wonder of a dental vacation in Costa Rica is that one can have the family dental work done and have a holiday for less money than just the procedures in the United States.

For affordable surgery in more major cases like orthopedic surgery, weight loss surgery and others, San Jose World airport will be a obvious destination as the major hospitals and medical centers are all found inside a tight range of the downtown area.

This however will shortly change. There are two major medical centres being designed in Guanacaste that are aimed at the Medical travel industry. These are mixed concepts of medical care recovery center, golf and activities and home and retirement living all inside a short distance to the well equipped international airport that is catered by such carriers as Delta and American Airlines. These are both massive projects and you can read up about those here. So extremely shortly Guanacaste will change into a major destination for medial travelers. This major inflow of capital is also captivating many talented American doctors to set up offshore practices in Costa Rica where by way of a medical wrongdoing insurance insanity they may be able to offer the same services as their US offices at a significantly decreased cost. Tax motivations also play a part here. If you are a Doctor and would like more information about the Pricetag advantages of an offshore practice please talk to us.

Medical travel is available in Costa Rica but one must follow a few easy suggestions. All the care providers you consider should be licensed, and you will find out more about accreditation and standards here. Ask for resumes and referrals, past patients and testimonials are the most convincing factor to the general public making a medical travel decision. Ultimately if you're scared about travelling to a new country be aware that costa rica by any and all reports is one of the most relaxed places in the world. The people are friendly, the weather and climate is really conducive to healing and travel to Costa Rica is very cheap and available.

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