Monday, October 10, 2011

Dating - When Culture and Religion Become Factors

By Jayde Johanssen

One of the reasons dating is often difficult, is that by dating, you are inviting a person into your life with the intent of developing a relationship where this person will influence you and the choices in life you make. This can be a good thing, it can also be a bad thing.

This can be a great thing if you are in a good relationship. In this situation your partner will use their influence to help you be the best person you can. It can be a bad situation though in a toxic relationship. In these situations, your partner can use their influence to manipulate you into behaviours that satisfy their insecurities, guilt or own ambitions.

Culture and religion can be very influential here. Both culture and religion are a framework, or a set of rules, within which its members live their lives. There is often very little room for compromise with these rules. If you do not abide by them, you are not a practising member of that faith/culture. So if you date someone who lives within these structures, the influence and opinion they bring to your life will invariably be tempered by the rules of their faith.

Removing the space for compromise is always counter-productive in the development of a relationship. Compromise and understanding will always be two of the top requirements in the development of any successful relationship.

I am not saying that culture and religion are good or bad here. I am just saying that if you start dating someone from a different religion or a different culture, be aware that this may have an impact on the development of your relationship. Depending on the person, it could enhance it or it could inhibit it. You need to try and understand where you partner is coming from too in this regard, and the influence their faith has had on their lives and life views.

Asian culture for example is very different to western culture. If Asian culture is important to you, one of the easiest ways to ensure you continue to live under its constructs is to surround yourself with like minded people. Dating is a part of this, dating people committed to Asian culture is important.

However, if you are not particularly interested in Asian people or culture, it could be difficult to develop such a relationship without understanding or compromise.

Religion works in the same manner. If you are Jewish for example, or Christian, there are certain moral standards and precepts you live your life within. Other people from the same religious denomination understand those guidelines and understand the impact they have on your decision making process and interpretation of life's events. As such, dating a person from the same religion can promote harmony in the relationship and mutual growth for the both of you in faith and life.

Matters of the heart rarely work out exactly as we expect though, so often inter-religion relationships occur. To be successful, tremendous understanding is required from both parties in the relationship. Discord often arises when the non-religious partner acts in a manner that, while socially acceptable, may not be within the strictures of the religious partner's religion. When this happens, for the relationship to be successful, compromise is required from both sides.

With inter-cultural dating there is no perfect way to navigate the potential challenges that will come up from time to time. With inter-religion dating there is no perfect way to navigate the potential challenges that will come up from time to time. Lets be honest, with dating generally there is no perfect way to navigate the potential challenges that will come up from time to time. This article was never about saying what is right or wrong, it was only ever written to raise some points to think about. So if you find yourself dating someone from a different culture or religion, spend some time learning about where they came from. It will promote understanding, compromise and harmony in your relationship.

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