Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How To Cure Dry Skin

By Owen Jones

Dryness has an effect on the biggest organ of our bodies - the skin, affects most people at some time in their life and has many causes. Furthermore, it does not necessarily have an effect on all your skin at the same time, which makes it more difficult sometimes to spot..

You may experience dry flaky skin on your head, but we call that dandruff and the skin is the scalp or you may experience dry skin on your hands where the skin, being quite thick may crack and bleed. We call these chaps.

Most people are aware of dry skin on the face and most moisturizers are sold to control or remedy this condition. The scalp comes second in dry skin care and then the hands. However the feet and legs may also experience dry skin.

Rubbing moisturizer on all over is an easy manner of attempting to remedy dry skin and one way of doing this is taking a hot bath with oil in the water. Another way is to have a Swedish style oil massage. However, a better, long term policy is to watch what you eat and do: in one word, your lifestyle.

Skin, hair and eyes obtain their nutrients from inside the body. External lotions have a minor impact when compared to diet and exercise. Basically, you can rub your favourite moisturizer and shampoo on every day if you like and it might help, but it will not help as much as eating well and exercising adequately.

So, what to do? Well, there is nothing wrong with skin and hair moisturizers, so long as you comprehend that it is like taking an aspirin to cure a hangover, whereas the real problem is that you drank too much. You are treating signs not causes.

There are two types of moisturizers for skin care and they help in entirely different ways. The first thing to comprehend is that we are evaporating away through our pores and breath all day long, so the first type of moisturizer tries to seal that moisture in. Vaseline comes into this category

The second type of moisturizer tries to replace this evaporation from the moisture in the air around us - the humidity. This type is known as 'humectants' and covers most of the more expensive moisturizers on the market.

Moisturizing has to be accomplished in the correct manner to get the most advantage. A fundamental regimen is to use mild soap on the face, neck and hands and then to apply the moisturizer to the skin while it is still damp. You can exfoliate first if you like to remove dead skin, but the benefits are exaggerated.

Dead skin will fall off on its own, it does not have to be torn off. If you decide to help it along, do not get rough on yourself and do not do it too often. The dead skin acts as a shield for the tender skin underneath, so if you remove this skin, you will require extra protection from the sun. Make certain that this contains a moisturizer as well.

Finally, dry skin may be the result of illness, medication or hormonal imbalance. This makes skin an excellent barometer of what is going on inside you. If you are worried by the condition of your skin, hair or eyes and you cannot fix it with chemicals out of a bottle, see your physician.

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