Sunday, July 8, 2012

Best Pheromone

By Jack Woodbinal

A pheromone is a chemical signal given out by the human body that triggers a natural responce. This pheromones can affect someone in varied ways. such as influencing behavior or social reaction to another person. There has been a great deal of study done on the subject of human pheromones and the role they play in attracting a member of the opposite sex , or simply being viewed as more approachable, friendlier, and therefore in greater demand to people in general.

The best pheromone can enhance good relationships by stimulating arousal and more intimacy, and they can even take sex to a whole new level of degree and frequency. But pheromones cannot transform bad relationships, period. Pheromones cannot change personal preferences and tastes, but they can promote attraction. However, if the personal preferences are not all that strong, pheromones can provide an edge and overcome those preferences.

Pheromones were first discovered about 50 years ago by scientists working with mice. The mice excrete androstenone pheromones which are detected by the veromonasal of other mice. The verimonasal is an olfactory sense organ very active in animals. They also noted the same use of androstenone pheromones in moth, flies and other insects. These insects are able to attract mates from over 150 feet away.

Male pheromones will help you be the kind of person you want to be. Your self confidence will soar. You'll notice that women start to pay more attention to you and will flirt with you. What is even more amazing is that you may not need to do all the work anymore. Women may initiate dates, give you their phone numbers, and in general want to talk to you and be around you.

It is time to begin enjoying life, whether you are married or not, by spraying yourself with the scientifically proven best pheromones available. No more Saturday nights alone. When you enter a party, the best looking females will be attracted to you. At least now you will know why this is occurring. With just a couple of blasts of the best pheromones available online, you will have too much attention, if that is possible.

Check out Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne at There is nothing to lose but your lonely nights and low self-esteem, due to your inability to attract the women you really desire. Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne can be used even if you are married, to spruce up your love life that has been lacking. Let androstenone pheromone make you a new man. If your boss is a woman, the raise that was long sought might come your way. Life is too short not to try this great product which will have your social life reach its highest point.

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