Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to be irresistable to women

By Jack Woodbinal

Many animals use scent to attract mates. Other species use this technique as well. It occurs when the individual wishing to mate releases a pheromone into the air. Pheromones are chemical signals that change animal behavior without them being aware. They just feel is an attraction to a specific animal and an overpowering desire to have sex.

The pig was the first mammals in which scientists detected the use of androstenone pheromones for sexual attraction. It was found in pig saliva. Once the female pig smelled the androstenone pheromone, she immediately assumed the position for copulation. The response did not require any other action by the male other than the presence of the pheromone.

The best pheromone can enhance good relationships by stimulating arousal and more intimacy, and they can even take sex to a whole new level of degree and frequency. But pheromones cannot transform bad relationships, period. Pheromones cannot change personal preferences and tastes, but they can promote attraction. However, if the personal preferences are not all that strong, pheromones can provide an edge and overcome those preferences.

Humans are not always noticeable and are highly individualized. A biologist and behavioral endocrinologist, Dr. Winifred Cutler co- discovered pheromones in our underarms in 1986. She found that when you don't have overbearing underarm sweat, the pheromones is what remained. And that it was odorless. In the '70's, she discovered that when women had regular sex with men, their menstrual cycles were more regular. And women who had sex sporadically, had less of a menstrual cycle. When you have regular sex, that delays the decline of estrogen which in turn, made women more fertile. So now Dr. Cutler's research team was looking for what the mind provided in this equation. And in 1986, they knew it was pheromones.

With the most potent formula available on the market today, androstenone pheromone, these substances can be sprayed on and will be unnoticeable except for those that you want to impress. The scent will be subconsciously noticed and attract the most desirable females. No more worrying about your clothing or your shyness, the females will approach on a regular basis.

Visit and read about the great potential that can be realized with the use of Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne. There are offers there that will give you some of this product free in addition to your regular purchase. Don't delay. Buy pheromones now and start the life you have been missing out on for years. Seldom does a product come along that delivers what it promises. Icebreaker Pheromone Cologne is one of these products. There is no obligation in visiting the website and it is certain that you will be impressed by how a product can be so beneficial to your life.

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