Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Best Pheromone

By Jack Woodbinal

Pheromone- fact or myth ? For over 5 decades, scientists, researchers and doctors have been trying to determine if pheromones trigger mammalian behaviors and endocrine responses. Secretions that act as chemical signals are pheromones, like hormones. Odors that carry stimulation and change the behavior of other creatures from the same species and pick up the scent are pheromones.

It is time to begin enjoying life, whether you are married or not, by spraying yourself with the scientifically proven best pheromones available. No more Saturday nights alone. When you enter a party, the best looking females will be attracted to you. At least now you will know why this is occurring. With just a couple of blasts of the best pheromones available online, you will have too much attention, if that is possible.

Pheromones are scents which the body naturally emit that interests the opposite sex. A scientifically produced spray will make you the hit of the party whenever and wherever such events are held. Peruse the website and see for yourself the effectiveness of this product. Save money that would be wasted buying the advertised items that can be purchased at drug stores which will not work. The question: Do Pheromones work will be proven with a no obligation after a visit to this great and informative website.

The best pheromone can enhance good relationships by stimulating arousal and more intimacy, and they can even take sex to a whole new level of degree and frequency. But pheromones cannot transform bad relationships, period. Pheromones cannot change personal preferences and tastes, but they can promote attraction. However, if the personal preferences are not all that strong, pheromones can provide an edge and overcome those preferences.

Humans are not always noticeable and are highly individualized. A biologist and behavioral endocrinologist, Dr. Winifred Cutler co- discovered pheromones in our underarms in 1986. She found that when you don't have overbearing underarm sweat, the pheromones is what remained. And that it was odorless. In the '70's, she discovered that when women had regular sex with men, their menstrual cycles were more regular. And women who had sex sporadically, had less of a menstrual cycle. When you have regular sex, that delays the decline of estrogen which in turn, made women more fertile. So now Dr. Cutler's research team was looking for what the mind provided in this equation. And in 1986, they knew it was pheromones.

If you want to give this male pheromones thing a try, Ice Breaker Cologne is an excellent choice. It is a specially formulated blend of male pheromones that is designed to give great results. Give the stuff about three weeks and see how well it really does work! Your life will not be the same again.

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