Sunday, July 15, 2012

Male Pheromones

By Jack Woodbinal

Do you want to attract the opposite sex? It is a fact of life that mammals give off what are called "pheromones". To the human nose these male pheromones are odorless. However, our brain knows what they are and picks up on the scent. This results in a change in behavior as a flirtation begins.

When in close proximity to people of the opposite sex our pheromones are sensed by their pheromones and it the instensity of these pheromones that decided if we find some one attractive or they find us attrative. Where this might have worked quite well in the era where personal cleanliness was the norm, today we are washing much of this natural chemical away just by bathing daily.

Pheromones were first discovered about 50 years ago by scientists working with mice. The mice excrete androstenone pheromones which are detected by the veromonasal of other mice. The verimonasal is an olfactory sense organ very active in animals. They also noted the same use of androstenone pheromones in moth, flies and other insects. These insects are able to attract mates from over 150 feet away.

With the most potent formula available on the market today, androstenone pheromone, these substances can be sprayed on and will be unnoticeable except for those that you want to impress. The scent will be subconsciously noticed and attract the most desirable females. No more worrying about your clothing or your shyness, the females will approach on a regular basis.

The pig was the first mammals in which scientists detected the use of androstenone pheromones for sexual attraction. It was found in pig saliva. Once the female pig smelled the androstenone pheromone, she immediately assumed the position for copulation. The response did not require any other action by the male other than the presence of the pheromone.

Do pheromones work? You will be the final judge when you visit the website Pheromones will not only break the ice but melt it permanently. Your satisfaction is guaranteed and you will get a free bottle with the purchase of two bottles of the pheromone sprays. This is an opportunity to finally get out of the doldrums and make life exciting again. You have nothing to lose but your loneliness and lack of success with the opposite sex. You can even get a bottle free with no financial risk. To have a life of fun surrounded by women is worth a visit to and there you will discover the answer to the question: do pheromones work?

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