Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to quit smoking?

By Debasmita Roy

There are some outstanding ways for consumers who want to quit smoking. Some of them choose to chew nicotine gums, cinnamon sticks or even make the use of the e-cigarettes. These techniques help them to reduce their empty feeling when they are in the quitting process. The gums are types of the Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and help to carry the nicotine directly to the consumer's body. The cinnamon sticks on the other hand give the nicotine flavor and so when chewed one feels as though they are smoking a cigarette. E-cigarettes do not produce smoke and provide the same sensation as the regular cigarettes; they are the finest way of quitting smoking.

To some people, smoking is not just an addiction but a form of a pleasurable experience. They just enjoy the feeling of letting out cigarette smoke out of their mouths and the procedure of cigarette inhalation as well as exhalation. They tend to link the smoking habit to an enjoyable experience for instance, like including smoking with a good cup of tea, or even before and after an enjoyable meal. This act of experiencing as well as the nicotine content consumed, participate greatly to their difficulties in quitting smoking since once through with their meals they'll wish to do their routine of smoking.

There has been a proposal of making electronic cigarettes sociably friendly as they have less harmful smoke component. This is so because the regular cigarette consumers can save a lot of money by choosing to use the electronic cigarettes. In which a single cartridge is same as at least two packs of the normal traditional cigarettes. It has been discovered that smokeless cigarettes are the best option a smoker can take as smoking termination equipment when in combination with the homeopathic system. They are the healthier substitute to the regular cigarettes since they do not have the chemicals and the carcinogens that are optional in the traditional tobacco cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes have advantages of their users being able to smoke even in places that recommend only the non-smoking people. Thus these cigarettes are considered the best amazing devices to help a consumer to quit smoking the traditional cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are much beneficial compared to the actual cigarettes in terms of the financial aspect. This is because purchasing a set of say five nicotine cartridges would cost you approximately $8 which is equivalent to purchasing around 500 normal cigarettes. Although users may incur a lot of costs in purchasing the electronic cigarette kit, they at long run save a lot of money. There are however a large number of Chinese imitations of the electronic cigarettes which might seem very cheap available currently in the market. These imitations are charged half the normal price of the branded electronic cigarettes and resemble the actual electronic cigarettes. It is therefore important to consult or keenly observe before purchasing the e-cigarette.

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