Wednesday, September 28, 2011

There are Many Home Hemorrhoid Treatment Options Available

By Andy Roberts

If you do not want the side effect of medication, you seek a hemorrhoids home treatment. Hemorrhoids home treatment is less expensive and more acceptable for people who can't afford to go for a surgery. Eating fiber is the best natural cure for treating constipation and hemorrhoids. Fiber helps you to purge the stools from the colon without many problems. Potato bandage has been utilized by haemorrhoid patients to sooth agony in the anal area. To make potato poultice, you want to prepare 2 potatoes. You should wash the potato and cut it little pieces. After that you should put the potato pieces into the whisker. You must blend the potato chunks till it becomes mashed and in liquid form. If the mixed potato looks dry, you can add a few teaspoon of water to the Kenwood. Once you have mixed the potato, you can use it on a bandage or hankie. After folding the hankie in half, you can press it carefully against the haemorrhoids.

Since hemorrhoid is caused by shortage of fiber, you can eat food rich in fiber to extend the nutritional fiber intake. You've got to avoid eating too many prunes each day as it can cause diarrhoea. Eating 1 - 2 prunes day will provide adequate fiber for your body. Because prunes are rich in fiber, it can melt the stool in the gut. To stop the itchiness due to haemorrhoids, you can apply apple cider to it. The acid property in vinegar can cut back the distended arteries. After applying apple cider to it, you can wipe it with a dry cloth delicately.

Icepack is one of the hottest hemorrhoids home treatment techniques. It is cold and can relieve the haemorrhoid pain. Before applying the ice to the hemorrhoid, you need to break it into smaller cubes. After that, you must place the ice in a bag. You can cover the bag of ice packs with a paper towel to stop actual exposure to the skin. Once you have covered the ice packs with a material, you can sit on it. The icepack will numb the area affected and cut back the blood that is flowing towards the distended veins.

Exercising enables you to have a good bowels. Besides, it can reduce the fat in your body. Fat can cause the veins close to the anal to swell. Haemorrhoid is caused by swollen veins that rupture due to heavy pressure. Therefore , it is recommended that you exercise continually. You don't have to do strenuous exercise like carrying weight. You can take a brisk stroll at the area to bolster your digestive system. You can participate in an aerobic class to lose weight and have a healthy body shape. Losing weight and removes the pressure exerted on the piles.

If natural treatment does not help, you can seek assistance from a doctor. You must call the doctor if the colon keeps on bleeding. It is common for pile patients to have bloody stools. But if the bleeding is serious and doesn't improve after taking the natural remedy, you need to contact the doctor to determine if it is due to other diseases.

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