Friday, October 14, 2011

A Brad Pilon Diet System Synopsis

By Janey Kesner

Finding a diet that works is hard, especially when you've already been around the block a few times and nothing really seems to work as well as it should. But Brad Pilon can help, because his the Eat Stop Eat diet is like nothing you've ever tried before.

What you're going to find here is that this is a diet that allows you to cheat, without punishing you for doing so. Why should you feel bad for eating something you crave? And why should you cut out foods you like from your life?

But the problem is it slows your metabolism way down, because your body has to go into survival mode. However, you fight that natural reaction, by cheating the next day, and eating what you want.

What happens then is your body thinks normal eating has resumed, and your metabolism returns to normal. All the while you're just going to fast again at the higher metabolic rate the next day.

That results in a cycle where you can consistently fast with a higher metabolism, for more prolonged and very real weight loss. You'll find that this way, you're able to keep fasting and flip flopping, while keeping results consistent, which is usually very difficult.

That means you'll be able to start shaving off pounds, despite the fact that you're still eating most of the foods that you normally shouldn't on other diets.

Plus because you're still getting those foods, you're also more likely to be able to stay on your diet, which can be a problem with some systems. But you won't have that problem here, and it actually shouldn't be too difficult for you to stay on point. In fact, Brad Pilon even has tips for how you can get through the fasting days, by visualizing what you can eat the next day.

With Eat Stop Eat if you're not happy within the first 60 days, then you can get your money back for a full refund. That means you're under no obligation to pay if you don't see immediate results. What other diet gives you that type of advantage?

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