Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Best To Manage Thrush?

By Marquis Walls

Thrush is a condition due to an overgrowth of a yeast fungus known as Candida Albicans. Although it can be the cause of much irritation and inconvenience, it is never major.

There are lots of ways to treat the condition.

How to treat thrush is a question asked by anyone that's afflicted with the misery of an oral yeast infection. Symptoms of oral thrush include the existence of a white creamy trail on the inside of the mouth - extending into the throat. You can also have red splotchy spots on the gums, tongue, and roof of the mouth. Another name for thrush is 'candidiasis'. This newsletter will debate some cures for treating thrush.

Note that it significant to have a candida infection diagnosed by a doctor to ensure that the symptoms do not indicate another sickness or health condition. Also - if thrush is left untreated - it is possible for it to go to other parts of your body - possibly causing a systemic yeast infection which may cause damage to the vital organs of the body.

How to treat thrush with apple cider vinegar Put one big spoon of apple cider vinegar into a half cup of warm water. Use this solution as a mouthwash - gargle for roughly 2 minutes four times a day. Take special care not to use regular vinegar as the sugar content is too high ( and consuming sugar is a terrible idea when attempting to rid your body of a yeast infection ).

Shed thrush with a change in diet Cut out sugar and carbohydrates from your diet. When you eat carbs or sugar, they raise the blood sugar levels in the body. Since yeast thrive on sugar - if you cut off the sugar supply, you'll see yeast levels in the body reduce.

How to deal with thrush with yogurt or acidophilus.Taking acidophilus pills and eating yogurt are good at losing yeast. Yogurt contains the live acidophilus culture which helps to re-balance yeast levels in the body. There are also acidophilus pills that may be taken by mouth. Another way to take the acidophilus pills is to destroy open 2 capsules and mix the contents with one big spoon of orange juice.

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