Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why You Should Try All Natural Skin Care Products

By Owen Jones

You have probably been using skin care products for a while already, but there are so many products on the market, aren't there? It is so hard to decide which is the best. I hope that I can give you a few indications in the rest of this article.

Daily environmental pollution and the sun's UV rays amplify the body's production of free radicals. Your body already produces free radicals on a daily basis as a side-product of normal metabolism. However, free radicals can result in mutations in cells including skin cells. This can result in signs of premature senility such as cataracts or 'old skin' like wrinkles or even cancer. Therefore, any holistic health regimen must include antioxidants, which eradicate free radicals. Sun block is a front line defense too.

Many health and skin care regimes promote using sunblock if you go outside, but there is a possibility that you will run short of vitamin D by doing that. A lack of vitamin D can lead to osteoporosis, to which older women are particularly prone. If you are anxious about this, then you should take vitamin supplements.

Your skin is your largest organ and so you should not be surprised to read that your skin often reflects issues that your internal organs may have. Therefore, if you want good looking skin, you have to take care of your whole body. This basically means, hygiene, diet and exercise. Concentrating on eradicating free radicals is a good tactic too.

Honey is an important component of many skin care products. This is because honey is a natural product and it is the only foodstuff that will not go off. No matter how long you leave it. Look for products involving honey, or just use raw, natural honey yourself!

Honey does not include water, so it is not a moisturizer, but it is very efficient at killing bacteria, including the bacteria that can result in dermatitis.

Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer for the skin and the hair. Try it on hard dry skin on your heels, elbows and knees as well. It is also very effective as a bath oil. Try putting a few drops in your bath next time

Romans employed olive oil as a cleanser and you can use it as an exfoliant as well. Mix it with sand or brown sugar and rub it on your skin before bathing. There are many methods that you can improve the condition of your skin without going to to the pharmacy, the problem is that most people have forgotten what their grandparents knew. So, instead of reaching for you wallet or purse, do a little research first and possibly you will find that the answer to your skin problems lies in your kitchen cupboards.

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