Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Male Hormone Therapy

By Jim Michels PhD

What is Male Hormone Replacement and why do men need it? Let's start at the beginning. Hundreds of hormones control our body's chemistry. Some of these hormones directly affect the way a man feels and impact his health. These hormones are called "key hormones". Key hormones include DHEA, thyroid, testosterone, and growth hormones. Key hormones decline as a man ages because the glands that produce them begin functioning less and less. This results in a condition commonly known as male menopause, or andropause- it's clinical term.

The following are the symptoms of andropause, or male menopause:

Depression or a loss of enthusiasm for life

A decline in mental quickness

Decreased desire for physical activity

A decrease in muscle tone

Reduced mental quickness

Bad fat increase, esp. around mid section

Problems sleeping and night sweats

Trouble sleeping/night sweats

Decrease in sexual function, sensitivity, etc.

A decrease in sex drive and desire for intimacy,

There are many studies supporting the fact that a healthy body requires healthy hormone levels. In the medical world "healthy hormone levels" is generally defined as the upper end of normal lab testing ranges.

The life expectancy for men began increasing about 150 years ago. Before this A man's key hormone levels was not an issue. It's been within the past 20 years that the medical world began learning about the connection between a healthy body and these key hormone levels.

Some men over the age of 40 think that deteriorating health and a slower paced lifestyle are the realities of getting older. These men live under the motto "grow old gracefully". Now, the low hormone levels in men that are compromising their lifestyles can be treated! The treatment in known as male hormone replacement or male hormone therapy, and it's safe. This treatment consists of returning a man's key hormone levels to the levels he had when he felt his best.

Treatment can begin as soon as a man finds a knowledgeable physician to guide them through the male hormone therapy. Within 2 weeks symptoms can begin to clear up. Within 4-6 weeks symptoms can be completely corrected.

Gentlemen, restart your engines! Jim Michels PHD- reNEW MAN

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