Monday, February 21, 2011

Why Parents Should Attent PTA Meetings

By Katrina Pratt

Any parent with children attending school should have by now attended or is familiar parent teacher conferences. Parent teacher conferences are held yearly, this is done to update and discuss with parents on their child's performance and grades. Teacher parent conferences are normally held after the teacher has time to bond and understand each student.

If you one of those parents who is constantly out of town on business then this shouldn't be an excuse to miss a parent teacher conference, because most conferences are held over several days to help parents in all kinds of situations. You don't even have to ask for a day off at work because most meetings just last a little as 30 minutes.

Parent teacher meetings are an honest and open discussion, where you are free to voice your opinions and ask any relevant questions concerning the education plan of the teacher/school and the students' performance.

The teacher has to honestly describe the student's behavior, participation in class, and how they are faring in class work.

The teacher will also discuss with the parent any problems that the child is encountering in class or at school.

Teachers are also free to discuss certain things they feel may be missing in the student. If the child is distracted in class or is the cause of the distraction for other students. Parents are allowed to discuss ways to make the classroom a better place for both teacher and student.

Most behavioral problems begin at home and it is important that parents discuss any problems that may be occurring at home that may be influencing the Childs behavior at school. Parents also take this time to see how parents help their children with homework.

Parent teacher meetings are not beneficial for the school but they also help the parent to know how they help their child's teacher to best teach their child. It helps the teacher to know the background and environment each child comes from and how to relate with them.

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