Sunday, July 17, 2011

Advice For Writing Extremely Hard Research Articles

By Sean Weiss

Do you hate writing research articles? If you do, you're not alone. Many people don't do them often, so when they are assigned to write a research article they find it daunting. Some people feel overwhelmed by the prospect of having to do a lot of research, writing and editing.

The good news is that there are many tips and shortcuts that people can use when writing research papers. They make it less of a burden and turn it into something enjoyable. Here are a few suggestions.

If you are given a choice about the subject, pick something you are interested in or familiar with. This will make you more comfortable with writing it and more likely to produce a quality research article.

Take a deep breath before you start. Try to relax and not put so much pressure on yourself. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the assignment. Do as much as you feel you want to each day and then stop. Return to it the next day after giving yourself time to refresh.

Try to avoid sitting at the computer for long stretches, as well. This can lead to mental fatigue and burn you out.

It helps to work with other people to get the report done. If you can, don't get all your information from books. Talk to experts in the field and interview people with pertinent information. This is interesting and will provide engaging anecdotes for your report.

Make sure you know the process. Research and writing the report will go easier if you are sure you know what you are doing. Ask your instructor questions, read past research reports to get an idea of what is expected from yours.

It helps to read as much as you can about the subject. Ask questions and find people who write research articles a lot. They may be willing to share some of their favorite tips with you.

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