Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Difficult Work Of Wine Appraising

By Meredith Koen

Appraising the value of a wine by a wine expert is termed as wine appraisal. Wine appraisal, or wine evaluation, might be mistaken by many as an easy job but in reality, it's an extremely difficult and important task. The goal is to classify the quality of the wine and without it, wine making would be not be the same.

Reviews for wines in magazines are not very trustworthy. They usually do not come from a panel of experts but from novice wine tasters. A novice will have erratic opinions of the same wine finding it delicious today and then a year from now have a totally different opinion of it.

In wine appraisal, wine experts judiciously assess a wine's properties such as its depth, hue and opacity. The process is lengthy and involves plenty of discussions where notes and ideas are exchanged.

Much like a jury during a trial, wine experts have to reach a consensus when they appraise a wine. To be an expert means to hold a related degree such as that in viticulture and to have extensive experience in assessing the quality of a wine. Wine experts view wine objectively and with no bias as to its brand.

Wine collectors, most especially, value the knowledge of wine experts. Through wine appraisal, they are able to determine the value stored in the cellars. They also know which bottle of wine to invest in.

Investors interested in acquiring a vineyard rely on wine appraisers to tell them whether it is a wise choice of investment.

A bottle of wine is priced based on its qualities as appraised by wine experts. Thus, you could say that wine experts are a driving force behind the price of wine.

Those interested in the wine business should make sure to have a reliable wine expert at hand. Without the blessing from a wine expert, a bottle of wine is just not the same.

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