Monday, November 28, 2011

Having A Knowledge Of What Causes Yeast Infections Is Wise

By Samantha Smith

There are many causes for yeast infections and, in order to properly treat your yeast infection, you have to know what caused it. Yeast infections can be bad enough if you only have one, but if they keep coming back that's really disheartening. Don't make the mistake of treating your yeast infection yourself if you don't know what caused it. Go to your gynecologist or doctor immediately. It's possible that you are allergic to the scent used in one of your normal household products. If that's not the problem, there are many other reasons for yeast infections to keep coming back. It's not hard to figure out what caused a yeast infection and how to treat it appropriately. The secret is finding out what cause it to begin with.

The state of the yeast cell population in your body, especially in your vagina, can be determined by the type of clothes you are wearing. If you want to help prevent a yeast infection, then make sure that your underwear is always clean, made out of cotton, and not worn too tight. This has to do with Candida over-growth taking place in areas of high moisture and increased temperature. If you get yeast infections, and also wear pantyhose, there could be a connection between the two, and you should be aware of it. Maybe checking the clothes you wear, is the first place to start in preventing yeast infections.

One more cause of yeast infections, that has become known through studies, are certain spermicides. One of the spermicides that has been specifically identified is Nonoxynol-9. If a yeast infection can develop because of a chemical, you should try to avoid coming into contact with it, even a condom with a spermicide additive. What probably happens is that the bacteria within the vagina is killed by the compound. Prevention of yeast over-growth will take maintaining a healthy bacterial environment.

There are so many different things that trigger yeast infections, and a lot of them are exterior to the body. There are many chemicals, that cause reactions that lead to yeast conditions, and they are in dyes and perfumes used in clothing. Douches, seen on TV commercials, are not necessarily good for your body. They are just one more thing that can cause a problem with yeast, because they are quite unhealthy. Anything that can cause this condition should not be used, even one woman. Maybe they help some, but the risk seems quite big to take with the possibility of getting an infection. When they advertise the douches on TV they neglect to tell you that it will kill bacteria needed to prevent yeast infections.

A yeast over-growth situation can sometimes be caused by taking some type of steroid treatment.

If you suffer from yeast infections, it's a good idea to learn more about what causes them. Also, keep in mind that, even though they are annoying, they are easy to treat..

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